Tuesday, August 30, 2011


曾經以前幻想過和理想伴侶一起去旅行. 一起拍照, 一起享受美食, 手拉著手逛街, 欣賞美景. 可惜, 第一段感情已經完了. 旅行是沒去過. 再加上他不太喜歡拍照, 連逛街都不喜歡逛. 就算跟他在路上, 他都衝著走. 浪漫氣氛都沒了. 所以我們留下來的記憶就只有那麼一點點而已.

可能從小就沒有太多機會去旅行, 所以現在的我都想走遍世界每一個角落. 本身喜歡看美景...所以若能和喜歡的人一起看, 我想會是很幸福和甜蜜的. 對於理想伴侶..經過P先生之後, 我發覺像他性格的我都不太喜歡. 一個能讓我從心裏面笑出來的男孩就已經很適合, 因為這樣才是真正的開心. 傻傻的很可愛. 在適當的時候, 能成熟也不例外. 當然彼此喜歡就更重要咯. 雖然有幾個朋友告訴我這個"適合"男孩已經出現, 可是... 還是隨緣吧...

Monday, August 29, 2011


This morning when I woke up to check my email, I saw an email that PC sent me from last night. Overall his message was saying how trust is most important in a relationship and that I've already lost his trust. I knew the very moment when I decided to end the relationship that I will lose his trust. Honestly, he never trusted me completely to begin with. I had to "earn" that trust. I just wanted a simple relationship, 一段很單純的愛情, yet sometimes he makes everything so complicated. In his message, he also gave me two options to choose from again. (1) To restart and rebuild the foundation of our relationship. (2) To completely terminate everything we have connecting us and move on with our lives. Why is he doing this to me? Giving me a deadline to contact him or else he'll assume that I've chosen option (2)? And option (2) I chose. I felt disrespected; I felt that his whole message was emotionally attacking me. This time, I guarded my emotions and have really decided to let him go. Though later after I told him my decision, he says we can stay friends but those rules he gave me before still applies. Some protocol... I don't blame him because it's just the way he is. Now, I am not only his ex-girlfriend but also a threat to him because I know a lot about him...

Friday, August 26, 2011


最近一直在聽叮噹幸運草. 這首歌有溫柔的旋律, 美麗的歌詞.

豔陽天 花園 汗濕他的臉

亮晃晃 時間 拉著青春跑

他找到 四葉幸運草
他給我 萬分之一的緣份
多奇妙 愛心形的微笑
在我掌心裡 輕輕飄

那天一陣烈日 一陣大雨 一整個下午
他的汗水滲進土裡為我綻放 心的禮物

他找到 四葉幸運草
他給我 萬分之一的緣份
多奇妙 愛心形的微笑
在我掌心裡 輕輕飄

那天一陣烈日 一陣大雨 一整個下午
他的汗水滲進土裡為我綻放 心的禮物

一轉眼成長了 散了
沒結局的傳說 他記不記得

直到書籤破了 花園拆了 我也不再哭

才懂得了有個男孩曾經為我 全心付出

像所有一般的女孩, 自己也希望能擁有一個真心為我全心付出的男孩. 可惜喜歡不等於會擁有...


8.22 剛剛結束了一段戀情. 自己心裡在想..趁交往不到一年, 剛快把心裡話說清楚, 免得自己再憂傷. 高估了自己的能力去接受一段異地戀的感情, 也終於撐不住了. 現在就唯有儘快把內疚感刪掉. 也只有這樣我才能夠做回真正的自己, 因為最近也把身邊的朋友嚇壞了. 雖然分手, 我們還是朋友. 我還那麼的在乎他, 關心他. 他的過去對我印象深刻. 也可能這個因素, 我才放不下. 若能忘記他的過去, 我想我會好過一些...

Monday, July 18, 2011


Some time ago, I came across this song- 少年 while browsing through someone's iPod. Just now, I remembered the song.

In a few days, I'll be in Virginia! It's been exactly a year since the last time I saw my aunt, uncle and Kevin. I will never forget how Kevin tortured me last summer. Pinched cheeks and a almost broken little finger. 10+ dollars at the arcade; this was money not well spent.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Recently made a purchase of a waterproof toy plastic camera from eBay. After days of waiting, it finally landed on my hands. Don't worry camera, I will take very good care of you!! Now, I just need to purchase 35mm film in bulk so that I can save some money. Film photography is an expensive hobby... Why...

I can hardly wait to shoot my first photo with it! ♥

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Random People"

Earlier, I watched a YouTube video of a little boy expressing feelings for the girl he likes. I'm not sure what the video is for, but the little boy is cute. The end of the video mentions colorblind children; perhaps the video is an advertisement as commented by some YouTube member. Watching this video reminded me of my aspiration to travel to Third World countries, especially to poverty-stricken regions. Whether it's to build schools or to teach in rural areas, being there for those in need and giving as much as I possibly can is just what I have always wanted to do.
I showed V the video but was stupid enough to ask for him to bring me on a mission trip. I should have figured what he would say about the requirement to be a Christian in order to go on these trips. Honestly, I am a bit discouraged and disappointed but that didn't hurt me as much as what he said following about a waste of money to support random people. Random people. I don't feel the need to explain why these two words bother me.

Monday, May 9, 2011


It's another one of those days when I just feel sad over everything that is happening in my life. I came back to campus about an hour ago to find L and VY watching the Staircase Implementation episode from The Big Bang series at my desk. This began to bother me since I feel that L is treating VO unfairly, and it also seems to me that she is avoiding this situation by seeking for a better friendship with VY. However, I am not the one to judge. Ever since the incident, it is clear to me that there is now a strain in my friendship with L. I've been questioning myself what a friendship truly is. Who are my true friends? What kind of a friend am I to others? I really want to know...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where is my sleep?

The lack of sleep these past few days has caught up to me and is enough to send me into a coma. I slept through my vibrating alarm clock (on my cell phone) even when I was holding on to it. I woke up three hours later to find that it's already past noon. I must sleep early tonight!

Now- off to shop for the friends. Lemon tea, bottled lemon tea, chrysanthemum tea, coconut drinks and what else?