Monday, August 29, 2011


This morning when I woke up to check my email, I saw an email that PC sent me from last night. Overall his message was saying how trust is most important in a relationship and that I've already lost his trust. I knew the very moment when I decided to end the relationship that I will lose his trust. Honestly, he never trusted me completely to begin with. I had to "earn" that trust. I just wanted a simple relationship, 一段很單純的愛情, yet sometimes he makes everything so complicated. In his message, he also gave me two options to choose from again. (1) To restart and rebuild the foundation of our relationship. (2) To completely terminate everything we have connecting us and move on with our lives. Why is he doing this to me? Giving me a deadline to contact him or else he'll assume that I've chosen option (2)? And option (2) I chose. I felt disrespected; I felt that his whole message was emotionally attacking me. This time, I guarded my emotions and have really decided to let him go. Though later after I told him my decision, he says we can stay friends but those rules he gave me before still applies. Some protocol... I don't blame him because it's just the way he is. Now, I am not only his ex-girlfriend but also a threat to him because I know a lot about him...

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