Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Random People"

Earlier, I watched a YouTube video of a little boy expressing feelings for the girl he likes. I'm not sure what the video is for, but the little boy is cute. The end of the video mentions colorblind children; perhaps the video is an advertisement as commented by some YouTube member. Watching this video reminded me of my aspiration to travel to Third World countries, especially to poverty-stricken regions. Whether it's to build schools or to teach in rural areas, being there for those in need and giving as much as I possibly can is just what I have always wanted to do.
I showed V the video but was stupid enough to ask for him to bring me on a mission trip. I should have figured what he would say about the requirement to be a Christian in order to go on these trips. Honestly, I am a bit discouraged and disappointed but that didn't hurt me as much as what he said following about a waste of money to support random people. Random people. I don't feel the need to explain why these two words bother me.

Monday, May 9, 2011


It's another one of those days when I just feel sad over everything that is happening in my life. I came back to campus about an hour ago to find L and VY watching the Staircase Implementation episode from The Big Bang series at my desk. This began to bother me since I feel that L is treating VO unfairly, and it also seems to me that she is avoiding this situation by seeking for a better friendship with VY. However, I am not the one to judge. Ever since the incident, it is clear to me that there is now a strain in my friendship with L. I've been questioning myself what a friendship truly is. Who are my true friends? What kind of a friend am I to others? I really want to know...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where is my sleep?

The lack of sleep these past few days has caught up to me and is enough to send me into a coma. I slept through my vibrating alarm clock (on my cell phone) even when I was holding on to it. I woke up three hours later to find that it's already past noon. I must sleep early tonight!

Now- off to shop for the friends. Lemon tea, bottled lemon tea, chrysanthemum tea, coconut drinks and what else?